Beautiful Butterfly - Love, Peace, and Harmony Album Notes Vol. 2

“Beautiful Butterfly,” is the 10th song on my album, “Love, Peace, and Harmony.” It originally began as an ukulele tune. Shortly after writing the lyrics, I began playing it on my guitar and that’s were it took shape. I played around with adding an extra verse and a bridge, but in the end, I decided that I wanted to keep the lyrics simple and allow the listener to extract a deeper meaning on his or her own…or to just enjoy this cute little tune about a butterfly.

As I was writing the lyrics to this song I was thinking about why the butterfly is my favorite insect. I love that they start their lives as caterpillars and eventually transform themselves into something new with wings and then take flight. It made me think of how we are like butterflies. We all have these, “butterfly moments,” or stages in our lives when we grow as humans, not just physically, but emotionally too. As we navigate life, we mature, we try new things, we open our minds, we open our hearts to new experiences or new relationships. Each one of these moments is an opportunity for us to grow and mature…to spread our wings and fly.

“Beautiful butterfly, a miracle in the sky. Once confined to the ground. Now, gravity cannot hold you down. Beautiful butterfly, you built a home to sleep inside. Wide awake from your deep sleep, now it’s time for you to spread your wings and fly.” ~Beautiful Butterfly

Listen to this song at:

About the song and artwork:

The bass line and bass solo are performed by my longtime friend and one of the best bass players and musicians that I have the privilege of knowing personally, Brian Martin. On this song, Brian makes his bass play like a butterfly fluttering through a summer breeze. It fits perfectly in this jumpy little tune. Also featured on this song are, Sam Stilwell on percussion and Matt Blom on the trumpet.

The artwork for the title of this songs was created by Trisha Thompson. You can follow her on IG at trishajthompson or shop on her Etsy account at:

With love, peace, and harmony,
